Start at
End at
- Hadramout
- Marib
- Sana'a
- Taiz

The project supports startups and career development funded by the European Union. StEPs aims to contribute to the economic empowerment of targeted Youth in selected governorates through coaching, training and capacity building in the fields of entrepreneurship, employability and career skills. Training those selected as trainers to ensure project sustainable impact. Those trained youths shall later be responsible for sharing the knowledge and skills learned to their peers in their governorates, the components of the project are:
Entrepreneurs supporting - Employment and career development skills - Coding Academy - Awards competition - Vocational training - Supporting local products.
Beneficiaries more than 2000 direct beneficiaries Youth at 4 governorates
20 awards competition, 4Youth hubs established
Target Group
18- 36 female and male
Project Progress Rate
- 2000 trainees in Entrepreneurship and Employment.
- Creating a curriculum of Entrepreneurship and Employment.
- 72 trainees in the technology industry of websites and applications.
- 146 vocational trainees.
- Establishing 4 HUBS in 4 governorates (Sana'a - Taiz - Hadhramout - Marib).
- 30 people trained coffee quality.
- Designing Rowad's educational platform.