Start at
End at
- Hadramout
- Marib
- Sana'a
- Taiz

A virtual hackathon was established to confront the Coronavirus in Yemen. The Hackathon is known to be a meet up among a group of specialists and innovators, especially in the field of technology. This group share among themselves interests and concerns creating a highly competitive environment and expedite the process of a specific problem by building a project from the very step which is brainstorming ideas to designing a prototype of the product and/or business model that will be followed by the launch on the ground of reality. Generating a hackathon event is considered to be the core of catalyzing innovation between individuals and companies. Given the nature of the challenge and the risk of the virus spreading in any gatherings of any groups, this hackathon was held entirely on the Internet. In it, between ten to fifteen teams consisting of five members for each team competed to build resourceful solutions to challenge the COVID-19 in Yemen.
Target Group
Yemeni Individuals (Inside or outside of Yemen) who are entrepreneurs, Engineers, and health workers.
Project Progress Rate
• Access Ideas to confront the pandemic.
• Encourage innovators to create products.
• Support deploying products.
• Access Ideas to tackles the pandemic from different sides.