
TOT (Champions)



The youth entrepreneurship support system in Yemen has many strengths. Youth entrepreneurship is recognized widely as a potential solution to the unemployment challenge. One possible way to address youth unemployment is to support young people in creating their own businesses. They have the interest and potential to become self-employed. Youth are more likely to have a preference for self-employment than adults. Their engagement is linked to positive outcomes for everyone and everything around them. In this project we supported emerging companies and career development funded by the European Union. The project aimed to contribute to the economic empowerment of targeted Youth in selected governorates through mentoring, training and capacity building in the fields of entrepreneurship, employability and careers Skills. Training those selected as trainers to ensure project sustainable impact. Those trained youths later became responsible for cascading the knowledge and skills learned to their peers in their governorates.

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Start at

Saturday , 1st August , 2020

End at

Tuesday , 25th August , 2020


  • Sana'a
  • Marib
  • Hadramout
  • Taiz

To decrease the rate of unemployment, A selection of youth students or graduates (University-level) were trained to become employment and entrepreneurship champions in four governorates (Sana'a - Hadramout - Taiz - Marib). Youth champions participated in the training of trainers (ToT) activities to reach other young people in their respective districts. These champions were provided with knowledge and skills that enabled them to train on the entrepreneurship curriculum of ROWAD Foundation and to also benefit from economic and employment training and mentoring in relation to how to secure employment, enhance their technical skills in different areas, as well as benefit from linkages to employment and internship opportunities with local businesses and CSOs. The aim of this program is to contribute effectively to the economic empowerment of youth in Yemen.

Target Group


Project Progress Rate



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