
Champions - Amal

The beginning was by looking at the difficulty of the idea of ​​traveling from one region to another which to me equaled to the difficulty of breaking the barrier of nervousness and getting myself out to the world. At first, the training felt ambiguous where everything that was said was completely new to me while everyone else seemed to understand it by previous experience or by being trained in advance. This training was my first way to embark on the world of training, from the fear of education to a trainer that benefits everyone.

Previously, I thought that reaching the training stage needs someone with unreachable abilities that do not match my abilities. The first online training was my biggest challenge because the idea of not being able to reach the trainees as well as I do offline, but ROWAD taught me that the fear barrier is in any beginning and success needs a lot of strength that erases the fear of beginnings and that is what made me the trainer that I am today.

Rowad has harvested in me the ability to spread knowledge to everyone around me, it also implanted the soul of entrepreneurship in me which made me able to shine with a new challenge and a different experience.